Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Christmas 2012

Christmas Eve with family.
The young cousins

 All the cousins.
 Cousins with Grammy.

Grandma's Christmas tree on Christmas Eve.

Christmas morning and Kallen with presents from Santa Claus and us.
 His loot from Santa and us.

Christmas with Michael, Bonney, Jessica, Sam, Grandma and Grandpa the day after Christmas since this was Michael's year to be with Bonny's family on Christmas.

 Kallen's presents before opening them.
 All of his presents after opening them.

Grandpa took Kallen and Jessica up to Grammy's to visit and see her Christmas decorations. 

After Thanksgiving we put up a Christmas tree in our house. We had to take it down before we left for Oregon but Kallen really wanted to put up a tree. He even picked it out. 


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