Wednesday, December 19, 2012

San Diego November 2012

We took a trip to San Diego to visit Johnny's parents over the Thanksgiving break.  We drove down and so we stayed in Vegas on the way there and on the way back.  This was Kallen's first time in Vegas.  He loved all the lights.  We stayed at Circus Circus on the way down it is at the north end of the strip.  We wanted to walk the strip and ended up walking all the way to the M & M Store, about 3.5 miles.  Kallen was a trooper and walked the entire way there.  He got a piggy back ride for most of the trek back but was still a trooper.

While we were in town my friend Meagan from grad school was in Vegas getting married so we were able to meet up with her.

The three of us went to Sea Port Village and walked around.



The next day we drove to LA to take Johnny's sister to Chinatown.

On Thanksgiving we went back to Seaport Village to take Johnny's sister there.  She had never been there.  We also took the Ferry across the bay to Coronado.  Kallen was able to play in the sand a little bit. 


 Kallen looking like Johnny with his hat and sun glasses on top of his hat.

 Some family pictures.

 On our way back to Utah we stayed in Vegas again at the Plaza, right on the end of Freemont St.  Kallen enjoyed all the "mascots" hanging around and enjoyed the light show on the big screen.  We also had $.99 hot dogs.  Kallen actually took a couple of the light show pictures.  He takes really good pictures on my phone but this trip was the first time he used a real camera.





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