Thursday, January 10, 2013

Oregon December 2012 - Fishing & Swimming

Per tradition we took the kids swimming at the Croc Center.  They have a great play area for small kids.  This year Kallen was tall enough to go almost everywhere and be able to walk so he had a lot of fun.  He was also big enough to go on the big slide (no pictures though)!  This year Christy and Francis met us at the pool so they got some more cousin time. 

One of Kallen's Christmas presents was a new fishing pole and it stopped raining enough so he got to go use it.  They never caught any fish though.  One of Kallen's comments though was, "It is boring just sitting here."  Maybe if they would have caught some fish he would have liked it more.  The next day was also a non-rainy day and Kallen did say he wanted to go fishing again.  We didn't have time though.  Now he is ready to go fishing with his Dad!  Uncle Mike and Grandpa said that he got really good at casting and had fun doing that. 

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