Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Children's Corner Fun

Now that Kallen is old enough he gets to do Summer Camp at Children's Corner.  They go somewhere every day!  They have lunch in a park where they get to play before and after eating lunch and then go do their activity.  Indoor Swimming, Outdoor Swimming, Movies, Water Slides, Nicklemania, Hollywood Connection, Thanksgiving Point Dinosaur Museum,This is the Place, Gym Cats, Children's Museum, bowling, out to eat at restaurants.  They went to a Chinese restaurant down the street and I was talking to Kallen before asking what he was going to eat and he said, "I don't know whatever is on the menu, I like shrimp, yeah, I am going to get some shrimp."  I had to break it to him that he probably wasn't going to get shrimp at his school lunch.

The last day of Summer Camp!

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