Sunday, September 7, 2014

Camp Grandma & Grandpa

I left Kallen in Oregon with Grandma and Grandpa.  The night before I left Kallen had a little meltdown about not wanting to stay and missing hid Dad.  He was find on Monday though and had a great time.  He called every couple of days and we Skyped so all was good.  Kallen got to spend some quality time with Grandma and Grandpa, Aunt Bonny, Uncle Mike, and his cousins Jessica and Sam.

Bridge Walk, River Front and playing in the Willamette River.

 Playing in the fountains at the state capitol while watching Sam play in Hoopla.

Trip to OMSI.  They had a special dinosaur exhibit.

Dinosaur Walk

Minto Brown Bike Ride

Swimming and sliding in Jessica's pool

Learning how to shoot things.

Camping and Fishing on the farm with Uncle Mike, Aunt Bonny and Jessica.  I think Sam stayed in the house.

Before leaving for the airport.

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