Tuesday, September 23, 2014

First Day of First Grade

August 18, 2014 - First Day of First Grade

Monday is a running day so instead of dropping Kallen off at William Penn I just drop him off at Children's Corner and they take him to school on the bus.  His first grade photos are the same as his Kindergarten pictures.

First Grade


Sunday, September 21, 2014

August 2014

We went to another Bees game.  This was a Willamette Alumni event that I organized but unfortunately the game was rained out.  We still connected with all the Alums.  Kallen and I went back to part of the game on Saturday mostly so we could see the fireworks that were supposed to happen on Friday. 

Kallen learned how to roller skate this Summer when Children's Corner went a couple times.  He really wanted to show me how he could skate.  He convinced me to take him to Classic Fun Center where he roller skated, played laser tag, bounced in the bounce houses, and played a few video games.  He got to do all that for only $10 which I thought was a pretty good deal.

Johnny and Kallen left one Sunday to go visit Johnny's parents.  Next thing I know I am getting pictures from Johnny.  They decided to see Teenage Mutant Ninja Turles.

Saturday of Labor Day Kallen had his last golf lesson.  He had two before we went to Oregon and finished up.  Now that he knows how to do all the shots I will get to take him to the driving range to practice.  Hopefully it will help my game as well!  Johnny also hit some balls while we were waiting for Kallen.  It was Johnny's first time ever hitting golf balls.

We went on a hike on Sunday before Labor Day.  This would be Kallen's first hike.  Now that he is older we hope to do some more.  The last time we went on this hike Kallen was just a few months old.  He had to stop on every rock for a picture.  There were still some pretty wild flowers blooming.  Of course he fell asleep in the car on the way home.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Children's Corner Fun

Now that Kallen is old enough he gets to do Summer Camp at Children's Corner.  They go somewhere every day!  They have lunch in a park where they get to play before and after eating lunch and then go do their activity.  Indoor Swimming, Outdoor Swimming, Movies, Water Slides, Nicklemania, Hollywood Connection, Thanksgiving Point Dinosaur Museum,This is the Place, Gym Cats, Children's Museum, bowling, out to eat at restaurants.  They went to a Chinese restaurant down the street and I was talking to Kallen before asking what he was going to eat and he said, "I don't know whatever is on the menu, I like shrimp, yeah, I am going to get some shrimp."  I had to break it to him that he probably wasn't going to get shrimp at his school lunch.

The last day of Summer Camp!