Friday, February 7, 2014

Skiing February 2, 2014

This was Kallen's second time skiing.  We made it up once last year.  I want to make it up more than once this year.  He had another private lesson this morning and did awesome.  He even graduated to the bigger lift so we did probably 4 runs down the big lift.  After Kallen's lesson and after a half hour rest to warm up his feet we skied for another 3.5 hours.  I couldn't believe he kept at it that long.  We had a great day.  He is a little speed demon and likes to go fast straight down.  At least he didn't get yelled at to slow down this year.

Another great private lesson with instructor Richard!


Not sure what happened to the videos I embedded in the post but if you copy the link it will hopefully work.

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