Sunday, February 2, 2014

First Lost Tooth

One Friday night in December Kallen said, "Look Mommy, my tooth is coming in."  I looked and yes, his big tooth was almost all the way in and his baby tooth hadn't come out.  It was Friday night so of course I could not call the dentist until Monday morning.  I didn't know if this was something to be concerned about or not.  I called the dentist and they said to give it 3 weeks and then call back.  Three weeks came and went but the tooth was not out.  I certainly didn't want to pull it.  Johnny tried a couple times, but luckily one of his teachers at Children's Corner likes to pull teeth out so Miss Jessie tried many times and got it really loose.  I got on the cancellation list at his dentist because the first appointment was 3 weeks out.  I didn't really want to take him to the dentist because they would use gas on him and I didn't want to pay for that and I also knew it would hurt and he already hates the dentist so he didn't want to go.  One morning I told him if he got his tooth out I would actually take him to the store to buy a toy.  Low and behold, the tooth came out that day at Children's Corner.  Kallen was watching a movie during movie time and he said he just pushed his tooth with his tongue and it popped right out, no blood and no pain.  The Tooth Fairy came that night and left Kallen a gold coin.

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