Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Randoms for December

 While Johnny was on his trip Kallen had to go to volleyball with me during a late game.  Here he is pretending to sleep.

 Getting his first big tooth (before his baby tooth falls out).  He showed me this big tooth on Friday night and said, "Look mom, I am getting a tooth."  Of course I was a little worried because I thought baby teeth were supposed to come out before the big teeth came in.  It was Friday night so I couldn't call the dentist until Monday.  They said this was fairly normal and to give it three weeks and hopefully the baby one would be ready to come out.  As I type this we just have a few days left.  The baby tooth is pretty loose but still in.  Hope we don't have to go to the dentist to have them pull it out.
Pretending to be Hobie sticking his head and tongue out the window.  He was doing this while Hobie was in the car.  We are sitting at stop light in this photo because there was no way I could get a picture of Kallen while we were driving.

Children's Corner Fun!

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