Saturday, January 11, 2014

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day

We were in Oregon at Grandma & Grandpa's for Christmas.

Here are some pictures of Christmas Eve with family.

 Great grandma and Jessica
 Yummy dinner!
 Cousin fun!
 Cousin fun with Uncle Mike!

 Four generation photo, Kallen, me, my dad, and my grandma

 Grammy with her great grand kids.

 Kallen with uncle David's new addition, Ginger Snap.

Kallen opened presents from Santa and from Johnny and I Christmas morning.

 His big present from Santa.  Santa delivered the bike to our house in Utah but gave Kallen a photo collage of his bike.  He was pretty excited.  Kallen did notice that Santa had the same wrapping paper as Grandma though.  Below is all of Kallen's loot.

My brother came over with his family for Christmas dinner and more present opening!

 Uncle Mike napping after dinner before presents.

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