Thursday, January 23, 2014

Fun in Oregon for Christmas Part 2

We went to a new bounce house place in Salem with my friends and their kids.

 They had a hurricane machine that Kallen wanted to go in.  It got up to about 70 mph with wind speed.  Kallen was all sweaty from the bounce house and this dried him right up.  He had to borrow a shirt from Colby because we only packed long sleeved shirts and I knew Kallen would get too hot and sweaty in a long sleeve shirt.  He still got hot and sweaty but at least it was in a short sleeved shirt.
Kallen (5.5), Colby (5.5), Sydney (7.5), Olivia (7.5).  Missing is Hudson (3) who didn't want to be in the photo.  They sure all have fun together when we get together.

Some random photos from Oregon.
Getting in a nap.

Fun with uncle Mike.
 Napping in the car after the bounce house.
 Napping in the car on the way to the bounce house.
 Eating popcorn (I think we bought a total of 4 bags) at Sam's basketball game.
 Riding bikes at the park.  Jessica riding her new bike and Kallen riding a bike the same size as the one he got for Christmas.

 Grandma with all the animals.  Shadow at her feet, Sadie, and then Tiger.

 Napping like Grandpa on the way to the airport.  Grandpa asked Kallen for his coat to use as a pillow but Kallen put it like Grandpa's coat and then fell asleep.

 Pretending to have a mohawk with his new Oregon Ducks neck pillow.  Good thing he chose an Oregon Duck neck pillow because the #10 ranked Ducks were on our plane heading to Utah to play the Utes.

Testing out his new bike!  

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Fun in Oregon for Christmas Part 1

Here is a photo account of many of the things we did in Oregon during the holidays.

Helping Grandma decorate the Christmas tree!

Grandpa took Kallen and Jessica to the indoor playground.  Kallen is almost to big for the stuff there but still had fun on a few things and just running around with Jessica.  The rope wall is new.

Grandpa took Kallen to see a brachiosaurus.

We had two days of swimming.  One at the Dallas Aquatic Center with Uncle Mike, Aunt Bonny, Sam, and Jessica and the other at the Courthouse with my friend Bonney and her kids Trent and Aubrey.  I didn't get any pictures at the courthouse but got a few at the Dallas Aquatic Center.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day

We were in Oregon at Grandma & Grandpa's for Christmas.

Here are some pictures of Christmas Eve with family.

 Great grandma and Jessica
 Yummy dinner!
 Cousin fun!
 Cousin fun with Uncle Mike!

 Four generation photo, Kallen, me, my dad, and my grandma

 Grammy with her great grand kids.

 Kallen with uncle David's new addition, Ginger Snap.

Kallen opened presents from Santa and from Johnny and I Christmas morning.

 His big present from Santa.  Santa delivered the bike to our house in Utah but gave Kallen a photo collage of his bike.  He was pretty excited.  Kallen did notice that Santa had the same wrapping paper as Grandma though.  Below is all of Kallen's loot.

My brother came over with his family for Christmas dinner and more present opening!

 Uncle Mike napping after dinner before presents.