Monday, November 11, 2013

Halloween 2013

One thing we did during Grandma and Grandpa's visit was to decorate/carve all of our pumpkins.  Well almost all of them.  We had 10 pumpkins and decorated 8 (carved 7 and painted 1), one was already rotten so we left it and then just didn't carve the last one.

I tried something I found on Pinterest, using a drill.  For the most part it worked out pretty good and looked pretty cool.  I got the painted pumpkin idea off of Pinterest as well.  Kallen carved all the other ones.

This was our first time trick-o-treating in our new neighborhood.  No one disappointed.  Our neighbors invited us to the middle of the cul-de-sac to sit by a fire pit and hand out candy.  Much easier for the kids to just hit up five chairs rather than going to each house.  Johnny handed out candy while Kallen, Hobie and I went out trick o treating.  Kallen made it a little longer than last year.  We did an inside loop and an outside look from our house and three additional cul-de-sacs along the way.

 Hobie is ready to go as well.  He was a big hit as well.

The loot!

1 comment:

Camille said...

Cute house! I wanted to try that drill thing as well, glad to see it worked out.