Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Measuring Stick Craft Project

I have been wanting to make one of these for Kallen for a long time and while my parents were here I finally got started and just finished it.

I got the number from Lowe's (mail box numbers but they peel off separately and then I used I's for all the measurement lines.  I used a full one for the foot and half foot and then cut an I in half for the ones in between.  I found the footballs, soccer balls, baseballs, and basketballs at Michael's in the wood craft section.  I also found the letters for his name in a bag of all letters and painted them red.  I then used a red paint pen to write in all of his heights from his doctor appointments from birth using the full year  and half year heights.  Unfortunately I didn't have 2.5 and 3.5 year heights.


Kelsi said...

That is such a cute idea! I will have to make one in the next year or so.

Camille said...

Hey Traci, I got your card! Cute! I hope you got mine, I sent it to the old address...let me know!