Thursday, January 10, 2013

Oregon December 2012 - Fishing & Swimming

Per tradition we took the kids swimming at the Croc Center.  They have a great play area for small kids.  This year Kallen was tall enough to go almost everywhere and be able to walk so he had a lot of fun.  He was also big enough to go on the big slide (no pictures though)!  This year Christy and Francis met us at the pool so they got some more cousin time. 

One of Kallen's Christmas presents was a new fishing pole and it stopped raining enough so he got to go use it.  They never caught any fish though.  One of Kallen's comments though was, "It is boring just sitting here."  Maybe if they would have caught some fish he would have liked it more.  The next day was also a non-rainy day and Kallen did say he wanted to go fishing again.  We didn't have time though.  Now he is ready to go fishing with his Dad!  Uncle Mike and Grandpa said that he got really good at casting and had fun doing that. 

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Oregon December 2012 - Day with Grandpa

After Christmas Grandpa was brave and took Kallen and Jessica to the indoor playground.  After the playground he took them to Dairy Queen for burgers and blizzards!

Eating cheese burgers and hot dogs.
 Eating their blizzards! 

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Oregon December 2012- On the Farm and Around Town

Here are some pictures of things Kallen did while we were in Oregon.
Rode on the tractor with Grandpa.
Wearing his new dino camo lounge pants and slippers.
Playing with Jessica.  I think Kallen got to see Jessica every day and never got tired of her.  He kept asking if Jessica could come over and play.

Kallen really liked all the cats.  Tia slept with us most nights.

Wrestling with Grandpa and Jessica.
One of the days it wasn't raining Kallen wanted to go to the park.  Here he is on the triceratops.

Kallen got this mustache out of the vending machine and loved it.  He wore it all the way to the airport.  We even had a car pass us and then slow down until we caught up so the driver could show his wife and then they both laughed.  He also wore it onto the airplane but as we were walking to our seats he kept his hand over his mouth so no one could see it.

This was Sam playing with an app on his new I-Pod.  He gave facial hair to Kallen.  We all thought it was pretty funny. 

Family lunch at Ixtapa!  We thought we may not be able to squeeze it in due to all the other food we had but we did.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Christmas 2012

Christmas Eve with family.
The young cousins

 All the cousins.
 Cousins with Grammy.

Grandma's Christmas tree on Christmas Eve.

Christmas morning and Kallen with presents from Santa Claus and us.
 His loot from Santa and us.

Christmas with Michael, Bonney, Jessica, Sam, Grandma and Grandpa the day after Christmas since this was Michael's year to be with Bonny's family on Christmas.

 Kallen's presents before opening them.
 All of his presents after opening them.

Grandpa took Kallen and Jessica up to Grammy's to visit and see her Christmas decorations. 

After Thanksgiving we put up a Christmas tree in our house. We had to take it down before we left for Oregon but Kallen really wanted to put up a tree. He even picked it out.