Tuesday, September 18, 2012

State Fair

Ever since Kallen was born we have always taken him to the State Fair.  This year we actually spent much more time on all the rides rather than looking at the animals and walking around.  The child has no fear.
Here he is at "The Farm".  They have a great activity for kids to go on the farm, they get to gather eggs, milk a cow, plan vegetables, harvest vegetables, get sheep's wool, put gas in a tractor, and then sell all their goods at the store for one dollar which then they get to go to the store to buy a treat.  Kallen chose some fruit snacks.

The giant yellow slide!  This is probably the third, maybe second year he has gone down the slide.  He went down twice with me (no with me but next to me) and once with Dad.  Then he went down again by himself at the end of night before we left.

Going on a surfing ride. 

We got him an all ride bracelet and then just bought some tickets for us on some of the ones we needed to go on with him, but he definitely got his money's worth going on all the smaller rides by himself.

On a big ride with Dad!

Another big ride with Dad.  This would be the ride that takes you high in the air and then drops you with no notice.  Kallen loved it.

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