Sunday, September 2, 2012

Random Summer Pictures

Can't believe Summer is coming to an end.  Here are some random Summer pictures as well as some pictures from the Zoo and Wheeler Farm.

We love member nights at the zoo.  It is not crowded at all and it is a great way to spend the evening.  Here are some pictures from the zoo.





The tigers were really active this evening which was cool to see.

Wheeler Farm - We had some old bread that needed to be fed to the ducks and geese and we like going to the Sunday Farmer's Market at Wheeler Farm.  Here are some pictures from Wheeler Farm.

Here is Kallen set up in the Costco shopping cart eating a hot dog.  It was his nap time but he still wanted to go to Costco to get a hot dog so he had quite the set up in the cart while I did some shopping and then he got his hot dog.

Johnny and I played volleyball a few weeks ago and our friend Taunzia played and had her baby there.  Abby has a couple dogs so she is not afraid and crawled right up on top of Hobie.  Of course Hobie is used to having kids crawl all over him and didn't mind a bit.
 Crazy hair day! 

 Falling asleep holding on to his dinosaur necklace that Grandma made for him!

Not a bad drawing of Ironman for a 4 year old!  Better than what I could do.

I couldn't get this picture the right way even after saving a copy of it.  Oh well, here is Kallen after his dentist appointment.  Not a good appointment.  I hate the dentist too so I don't blame the child.  He has his mothers gag reflex whom I got from my mother so to start of with trying to get his bite wing x-rays set the mood for the rest of the appointment.  No good!  I think next time we will start with the cleaning and then try x-rays.

 I am so glad he doesn't mind getting his ears wet.  He was laying in the bathtub for a long time with his ears under the water.  It also amazes me how long he looks in the tub.

Here is Kallen posing for a picture at a volleyball tournament in Park City.

He loves his Iron Man masks that he got for his birthday.  He had costume day at school and really wanted to be Hulk Smash but who is going to have costumes in July!  He had to settle for his horse costume from last Halloween.  At least it still fit, only problem was that it is not meant for 100 degree weather.  The following weekend we were at Costco and of course they had Halloween costumes already.  Johnny and I looked at each other and laughed because of course they would already have them, they didn't have Hulk Smash but they did have Iron Man so I guess Kallen has his costume for Halloween already.

 Went to Bella's birthday party at Classic Fun Center.  He had a blast.  We weren't prepared to stay and go on the waterslides but we did.  They were actually a lot of fun and pretty fast. 


A nice picture of Hobie.  He actually ended up coming to work with me this day.  For some reason he thought he was already going and this was the look he gave me when I tried to leave.  How could I leave him behind.

 A big chocolate ice cream cone Kallen made at school. 

A couple pictures from t-ball.  Unfortunately there were only 3 teams in the league so they generally had at least one bye a week, but they still had practice so it turned out to be a good thing because they actually learned how to play the game through practice.  Kallen had much more fun at t-ball this Summer than he did last Summer.

While Johnny was in San Diego I had to run a volleyball tournament so Kallen and Hobie got to come along.  Here is Kallen drinking out of Hobie's water bowl like a dog.  Of course I didn't tell him to stop I just took a picture :)

Haning out in his tent getting ready to take a nap.

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