Sunday, December 14, 2014

November 2014

Not too much happening in November. 

A trip to the Aquarium before our yearly pass expired. 

A sunny day in November.  Like father like son.

Went to a Utah Volleyball game versus Washington.  Had a UOVA table and it was kids night.  Kallen liked the reptiles.

Selfie at the game with Erin.  

Grandma and Grandpa sent Kallen a ducks t-shirt so we could go back to the Utah volleyball game when they were playing the Ducks.

First snow of the season.  Kallen was anxious to shovel.  Had he waited it would have just melted.

Family picture that was used for our Christmas card.
At the Oregon Volleyball game! 
 We had a visitor over Thanksgiving.  Hoss was Kallen's little buddy.  Slept with him every night.

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