Tuesday, August 5, 2014

July Fun #2

Before we headed to Oregon we squeezed in a few more activities.

Kallen and I went to a baseball game on $1 Hot Dog Night.  Kallen ate 3 hot dogs!  I don't think he cared about the game as much as the hot dogs.  I probably could have made him hot dogs at  home and he would have been just as happy.  He even fell asleep around 8:30 pm so we headed home.

We also went to the zoo for members only night.  Saw lots of good animals out and about.  This was the first time we had been to the zoo since the new African Savannah opened.

We also finally made it to Cowabunga Bay water park.  We have been wanting to go for the past two years.  Kallen loved it.  We floated a lot in the lazy river and Kallen played in all the water features.  We all went on a few of the slides together and then at the end Kallen was going on them by himself.

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