Sunday, August 24, 2014

Oregon Trip Summer 2014 - Willamette River

Michael took us out on the Willamette River for some some boating and fishing.  All my life I have never really spent much time on the Willamette River.  This was Kallen's first time learning how to cast.  I was worried he would hook me so I covered up each time he cast his line.  It was cool to see all the homes along the river and all the wild life.  Kallen got hot and even decided to jump in the River.  Brave kid!  We even saw a bald eagle which was a high light.

While we waited for Michael to go get the jeep and the boat trailer Kallen did some more swimming in the River.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Oregon Trip Summer 2014 - Oregon Coast

Mid week we headed over to the Oregon Coast.  We took our lunch and ate at a lookout south of Lincoln City.  We then headed south to Newport and visited the Aquarium.  On our way out of Newport we stopped at the light house and visited the tide pools.  The flies were so bad due to all the birds nesting on the rocks.  We then stopped in Depoe Bay and made it to our favorite Salt Water Taffy store just before it closed.  We were going to come back to Depoe Bay for lunch the next day at the Chowder Bowl but we decided to go ahead and just eat dinner there.  We then got to our hotel and checked in and went swimming.  I chose the hotel specifically because it had a hotel and knew Kallen would enjoy swimming.

The next morning we went to another beach that had tide pools and saw some more sea life and Kallen played in the water (freezing water).  After that we walked on another beach looking for rocks.  Then we flew kites on the beach.  Next we made a quick stop at the outlet mall.  Then we went to Siletz Bay in Lincoln City and had yummy burgers for lunch.  Grandpa found the historical museum while we watched a store blow some glass.  We then headed to the beach to fly the kites again.  Then hit DQ on the way out of Lincoln City and headed home.