Monday, June 30, 2014

Summer Fun - June

Summer is finally here but is going so fast. Here are some random pictures of what we have been up to.

Got to have Chama stay with us for over a week while her parents were on vacation.  Enjoyed having her here.  Kallen got to throw the ball for her a lot.

 Went to the downtown Farmer's Market on Trax.  Kallen fell asleep on the way there.
 Hula hooping, he is pretty good.  He had 4 or 5 hula hoops going at once.

 Fell asleep on the way home too!
 Finished a Pinterest project, an outdoor chalk board!

 Playing in his pool he got for his birthday from Grandma and Grandpa.

Feeding the chickens at Tiana's house during our staff BBQ.

This is how he is most days driving home from work!  One tired boy.
Getting a pedicure!  I have had to take him with me to get a pedicure the last few times.  Any time he goes with me he gets to pick out my color.  I kind of like him picking out my color because he chooses colors I would never choose but always really like it after my toes are done.  I had asked him if he wanted to get one on the way there and he said no but once mine started he changed his mind.

Those pictures all show her scrubbing his heels with the pumice that tickles like no other.  He has seen my reaction to it and had a similar reaction.

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