Monday, August 26, 2013

T-Ball, 4th of July, and Other Randoms

 The finished product of a birthday present from Auntie Erin!  Kallen and Johnny had fun putting it together, only took two nights!

 We did t-ball through Marv Jenson Rec Center this Summer because their schedule worked with our schedule.  At this level it is coach pitch/t-ball so the coach pitches up to four balls to each player and if the kid hasn't hit a ball after 4 pitches they stick the ball on the tee for them to hit.

 Chilling on the deck having an otter pop with Dad.

Fourth of July Fireworks at Sugar House Park!

Not bad for a few I-Phone photos.  This was Kallen's first big firework show.  All the previous years he was always in bed before the fireworks but this year we figured he could stay up.  He really liked them.  He was most excited about all the illegal fireworks going off all around as we were driving and walking to the park.

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