Monday, November 12, 2012

Halloween 2012

Here are a few pictures of Kallen in his costume and our pumpkin master pieces.  We handed out candy for a little bit and then we went trick o treating.  Last year was Kallen's first year trick o treating and he got tired after a couple streets.  This year he made it all around the neighborhood.  Johnny had training so I had to take Kallen so we just set the bowl of candy out.  By the time we got back it was all gone so I know some little brats took it all because we usually don't run out until the end of the night.  Hobie went trick o treating with us, next year we will definitely have to get him a costume too.  Kallen wore his costume to school on Halloween and they went Halloween caroling at a senior home to a bunch of "grandma's and grandpa's".  He told me his Grandma and Grandpa weren't there though.  They also had a party at school where he got lots of candy and treats. 

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