Saturday, November 24, 2012

Sledding & First Snowman

Since it snowed on Saturday all Kallen wanted to do was go sledding.  We ran out of time on Saturday because we went to the Dinosaur Musical so we told him we would go on Sunday.  I think we were on the hill by 10 am because that is all he wanted to do from the time he woke up.  Hobie had a good time too!

Monday, November 19, 2012

First Big Snow November 2012

It snowed!  A LOT!

Here are some pictures of our first big snow of the year.  I would say about 9 - 10 inches of snow.
Here is a before and after picture of the tree. The before picture was taken on Sunday when it was about 72 degrees outside.


Monday, November 12, 2012

Halloween 2012

Here are a few pictures of Kallen in his costume and our pumpkin master pieces.  We handed out candy for a little bit and then we went trick o treating.  Last year was Kallen's first year trick o treating and he got tired after a couple streets.  This year he made it all around the neighborhood.  Johnny had training so I had to take Kallen so we just set the bowl of candy out.  By the time we got back it was all gone so I know some little brats took it all because we usually don't run out until the end of the night.  Hobie went trick o treating with us, next year we will definitely have to get him a costume too.  Kallen wore his costume to school on Halloween and they went Halloween caroling at a senior home to a bunch of "grandma's and grandpa's".  He told me his Grandma and Grandpa weren't there though.  They also had a party at school where he got lots of candy and treats. 

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Rock Climbing

We had Family and Friends Day at my work and we were already going to campus for the Kid Club Activity so I decided to let Kallen climb.  He tried it last December when we were in Oregon for Christmas.  He did even better this time being a little bigger and stronger.  He went up 3 or 4 times.  After rock climbing we went to the Kids Club activity for an hour and a half and then Kallen had a birthday party he went to for 3 hours.  It was a busy day!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Grandpa and Grandma's Visit October 2012 Part 4

 The day before Grandma and Grandpa left Kallen stayed home with them and it was a fairly nice day so they went on our regular walk to go see the horses and then drove to a nearby park. 

Grandma and Grandpa also got to watch Kallen during his swim lesson.  He is actually swimming now which is fun to watch.