Sunday, February 27, 2011

February 2011

Johnny bought Kallen his first real hat. It wasn't hard to have him wear it because Daddy wears a hat all the time. Here he is eating his Costco hotdog and walking through Costco.
A visit to the Aquarium. Always a favorite to fill up an hour of our time on a Sunday morning. He is in to posing for pictures. He has always let me take a picture of him sitting on the frog but this was the first time I got him to sit in the boat and in the coral!

Kallen loves dinosaurs, he can name a t-rex, brachiosauras, velociraptor, stegosauraus, and triceratops so we decided to take him to Thanksgiving Point. He had a great time. He even sat through a 25 minute movie about a T-Rex in 3D. He got a little scared when the T-Rex killed the Triceratops and started eating it but soon got over it. Afterwards he was talking about how the T-Rex was hungry and so he ate the triceratops.

Giving Hobie some love.

Safe Kids Fair: We decided to check out the safe kids fair. It was free, so why not. It turned out to be great (besides the crowd of people). Kallen got to sit in a fire truck, on a police motorbike, play on the tumble bus, and get lots of free candy at all the booths. They were giving free helmets to kids but the line was longer than what we wanted to wait in. We did find a booth where they were selling them for $5, so we decided to just buy one. Kallen has started riding his tricycle and we plan to get him a bicycle for his birthday so we wanted to get him used to wearing a helmet. He got a dinosaur helmet that he is very excited about.

We got home from the Safe Kids Fair and he wanted to ride his bike but it was nap time so we told him after his nap. He woke up and remembered that he could ride his bike so we bundled up and went outside.

We took Kallen sledding at a park. He had a great time. Make sure your volume is turned up so you can hear his excitement. Hobie had a great time too!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

January 2011

Kallen started his second session of swim lessons. He is still doing parent/tot since I had to end up teaching the class. I think he would have done fine in level 1 if I would have been able to leave him and be out of sight out of mind, but since I have to be in the water he wanted to stay with me. He will definitely be in Level One for the next session.

Watching tv on his bounce with one of his many elephants!

Sharing some ice cream with Hobie.

I have been saving all of our old bread so we could go feed the ducks and geese at Wheeler Farm. They must have been hungry because they all surrounded us.

Showing off his slippers for Grandma!

Riding the carousel after the dentist. Kallen didn't like the cleaning very well but by the time the dentist came in he was calm and watching a movie on the ceiling. He let the dentist check all of his teeth, poke, prod, and scrape. We took Kallen and Hobie up to Mill Creek Canyon one Sunday afternoon. Both boys had fun playing in the snow.