Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Bath Time

Kallen loves taking a bath. Even from his first sponge bath we knew he was going to be a water baby! Picture is censored for sensitive viewers.

Chillin' after his first sponge bath looking like a frog!


My Franks said...

Wow Traci,
He is so big. It looks like he is already outgrowing his tub. And man look at all that hair...already more than Frances!
Yes of course I would watch him for your next vacation! ...hmmm We might have to dress him up as a cuddly teddy bear as Frances has been known to love her stuffed animals but be down right mean to her baby doll.

Troy & Emily said...

I can't believe how much hair he has! THanks for keeping me up to date on Kallen. Hope you are loving being a mom. It's the BEST! --Emily Gerber =)