Monday, June 30, 2008

Volleyball Fun

Kallen's Second Volleyball Tournament: This time we just went to watch Daddy!

7 Weeks Old

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Jealous Hobie

Hobie wanted in on the action on the upstairs play mat. He got himself underneath it and was taking a nap and when I went upstairs I startled him and he got up with the play mat attached to him and didn't seem to mind because he posed for a couple of pictures.

6 Weeks Old - June 18th

"I smile quite a bit now when I am awake but Mommy has yet to capture it on film. In this picture she almost got it."

Meeting New Friends

Monday, June 9, 2008

First Shave

It was a sad day for Mommy when the hair got shaved. Luckily it will grow back! Daddy liked the shaved look because now father and son really look alike!

Random Pictures

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Bath Time

Kallen loves taking a bath. Even from his first sponge bath we knew he was going to be a water baby! Picture is censored for sensitive viewers.

Chillin' after his first sponge bath looking like a frog!

First Baseball Game

On Sunday, May 25th we attended the Salt Lake Bees baseball game. It was the perfect afternoon game! Kallen slept through most of the game just like the woman sitting above us.

First Few Weeks At Home

Napping with Grandpa!

Like Father Like Son!

"My big brother watches over me!"

Coming Home From the Hospital

Kallen is waiting patiently to be released from the hospital. He enjoyed his first car ride and likes being in his car seat and in the car!

Kallen's First Light

Here are some of the first pictures of Kallen once he entered the world on Wednesday, May 7, 2008 at 2:36 p.m. He weighed 8 lbs. 14 oz. and was 21 inches long!