Saturday, July 5, 2014

4th of July 2014

Johnny was working on Thursday night when South Salt Lake does their fire works at Granite High School so he told us we should go down there.  We went and they were pretty cool.  We were really close to where they were letting them off.  He saved us a parking spot where just a few cars were parked so our exit was fast and we got out of there before the majority of the people were leaving.

We are usually playing volleyball in Park City on the 4th of July but with Stacy out of town I didn't play and had the whole day and didn't know what to do.  Kallen had never been to a parade so we decided to go to the West Jordan Parade.  I was nervous because I hate trying to find a place to park and sit and then trying to leave without waiting for a long time.  We scored on parking, walked a block and then ended up in the second row behind people.  The sun was behind us and with the umbrella from the chair the temperature was comfortable.  Kallen got in to trying to get candy and got a lot of taffy.  Overall it was a good experience.

That evening our cul-de-sac had a BBQ where a lot of the other neighbors came over as well.  We ate and socialized with the neighborhood for awhile.  Kallen and I were going to go to West Jordan to watch the fireworks but he was playing with all the kids and had his glow sticks so he decided not to go and to stay home.  Turns out around the neighborhood a lot of people spent a lot of money on fireworks and from our front  yard we saw high quality fireworks without going anywhere.  We didn't buy any fireworks because we thought we were going to be gone.  Only one person at our BBQ  actually had fireworks.