Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter 2014

The Easter Bunny left Kallen's basket on the side table near the stairs but he woke up and moved it to the table in the living room because that was where the Easter Bunny had left his basket at our old house.  I forgot to take a picture of his basket but Kallen got a doggie cup with lid and straw, Crayola Toothpaste, deck of cards with turtles and fish from Hawaii, and a hollow chocolate bunny.  The Easter Bunny also left a chocolate bunny for Johnny and I and then Grandma and Grandpa sent home an Easter Card and chocolate bunny.

 Picture with Easter Bunny at Children's Corner.

 Coloring eggs.
 Looking for eggs.
Finding an egg.

Birthday Party Fun and a Couple Randoms

A birthday party at a trampoline place.  Kallen had a good time.


This was the cake Kallen picked out for Johnny and my birthday.  He even had the writing added.

 I got this picture sent from Johnny the other day.  Not sure where they were but it made me laugh.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Aquarium March 2014

The new aquarium finally opened!  It closed September 2013 and since then they have been getting the new one ready.  They had a members only weekend before they opened to the public.  We decided to go check it out on a Sunday morning.  They still had a lot of work to do before they opened to the public.  Many of the displays did not have animals in them because they were having issues with water quality.  I don't think they have gotten them fixed yet because they are offering free passes back to the aquarium for anyone who has to pay.  We were excited to at least go see it before it opened to the public.  Once all the animals are in place it will be pretty cool.  They do have a shark tunnel and a large viewing area where you can watch the sharks swim around.  That was pretty cool.  We actually took the camera and Kallen wanted to take pictures of everything.

They decided to test out the 4D theater while we were there and we happened to be in front of the theater when they announced it so we got to see the Reef Movie.  They also have a Shark Movie that Kallen is excited to see, we will have to check that movie out next time.

We also bought a family brick to help support the new Aquarium where we have been members since probably Kallen was 2.  Luckily we found it pretty easy.