Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Super Hero's Birthday

Kallen got invited to a super hero's birthday party of a friend at his school.  Luckily he had just picked out a Power Ranger's costume to be this year for Halloween or else he wouldn't have had anything to wear because his Iron Man costume from last year doesn't fit.

They had a climbing wall at the party that Kallen loved.  He's been climbing quite a bit so he was a pro.  He spent most of the time at the party going up and down the wall.

State Fair 2013

We have taken Kallen to the State Fair since he was just an infant so it has become a yearly tradition for the last 5 years!  Next year we will actually have to pay for him though because 5 and under is free.  Due to a volleyball tournament I was running we didn't get to the Fair until 7 pm so all we had time for were the rides.  We didn't have time to do any of the other fun stuff that I wanted to do like walking around and looking at all the animals, crafts, flowers, garden stuff, etc.

Johnny and I can't handle spinning rides so we each went on one with Kallen and then we directed him over to the kiddie area where he can go by himself.  Luckily he still likes all the kiddie rides so we don't have to go on them with him.  Another ride that he loves is the big shot that takes you up high and then drops you down.  Johnny went with him the first time and then Kallen chose that as his last ride of the night so I went with him on it.