Sunday, February 3, 2013

Skiing Video #3

Here is the last video I took of the day.

Skiing Video #2

It seems like I can only post one video per post and I have 3 videos so here is video #2.  Kallen is kind of a speed demon.  He liked to go fast, at one point a ski instructor was yelling at him to slow down.  I didn't think he was going that fast. 

While on the chair lift he kept looking at the bigger hills on the side and asking if he could go down those hills or go off this one jump that was also visible on the lift.  Luckily by the time we got to the top he had forgotten and we didn't have to do any of it.

First Day of Skiing

Kallen had his first ski lesson on February 3rd!  He did great.  He had a 1 hour private lesson and then ended up skiing with me for two hours.  I didn't know if he would like it but he loved it and learned a lot.  I also didn't know if he would want to continue after his lesson so I was surprised he lasted two more hours!

I can't wait to get him back to learn some more.
Getting his skis and boots!

 Getting instructions from his instructor,  I think his name was David.

On the ski lift!
Coming out of the trees down the mountain on his last run with his instructor.

 Back at the ski school getting his stickers put on his learn to ski badge/button.

Below are a couple pictures I took along with some videos.

January 2013

We didn't do a whole lot in January because it was so cold and the air quality was gross.  Over Martin Luther King Jr. Weekend we did go to Thanksgiving Point to the Dinosaur museum that Kallen had been bugging us to do.  There are a few random photos that I took throughout the month as well.

Here are all the boys taking a nap one Saturday afternoon!

Hobie got this chew toy for Christmas from my cousin and Kallen and Hobie have enjoyed playing with it. 

Here is Kallen dressed up in his dad's clothes one evening at volleyball.
 Kallen's friends from school who are twins had a swimming birthday party that we went to.  Kallen is doing really well swimming.  He was tall enough to go down the big slide and the bottom was only 3 ft. deep so he didn't have a problem standing up.