Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Oregon Trip July 2012

Just 9 days after Kallen and Johnny got home from San Diego Kallen was off again with me to Oregon.  What a traveler the little guy is.  He has already been on 21 round trip air plane rides, 1 cruise, and 6 road trips over 4 hours long.

Here are some pictures from our trip to Oregon.

Every Monday during the Summer the City of Aumsville has a free 2 hour day camp for kids.  It includes story time, snacks, craft time, game time, art time, and free time on the play ground.  At the end they get a free book or two as well.  We were able to go and Kallen wasn't having too good of a time until they started playing games.  He ended up having a good time.

My little water boy!  Unfortunately we were busy or it was cold so Kallen only got to go down to the creek one day.  He had other times he got to play in the water but only one walk to the creek.

 Here Kallen is driving the lawn mower all by himself.  Back in May Grandpa put him on the mower in 1st gear and it was obviously too slow for him because Kallen knocked it in to a higher gear to go faster.  Kallen did a pretty good job steering the mower in a straight line.

We took a road trip to Sisters to see Grammy.  We went to lunch and then went to a park where the kids (Uncle Mike included) were able to play around.  Here is a picture in front of her place.

While in Central Oregon we stopped to see some friends who had just built a house.  Here is Kallen and Jessica posting for a picture with their dog.

We also took a trip to the coast with Grandma.  We had lunch at the Chowder Bowl in Depoe Bay, our favorite clam chowder ever since I was a kid!  Here are some pictures from the beach.  It wasn't exactly warm but that didn't stop Kallen from playing in the ocean especially since he is used to the beaches in San Diego.

We also spent an afternoon at Silver Creek Falls.  Here are some pictures of our short walk to one of the falls and then again playing in the water.  Did I mention that Kallen is a water boy.  Again, the water was kind of chilly but that did not keep him from submerging.

Kallen got to spend lots of time with his cousin.  Almost everyday he got to play with her.  They had a great time together.  Jessica learned a lot of from Kallen during the week, like how to call me Mommy all week, how to stand up on the swing.  Lots of things I am sure her parents love.

Here is Kallen showing Jessica his dinosaur book that Grandma put together for him from our trip to the zoo last Summer and their trip to Prehistoric gardens in May.

Nap time, even I was caught napping, but hey, I was on vacation.