Saturday, May 26, 2012

Camp Grandma & Grandpa Post One

While I went on my trip to Malta Kallen got to go to Camp Grandma and Grandpa.  They all had a great time and Kallen is still talking about things.  We also just showed Daddy all the pictures so he was talking about all of them to him.  Here are all the random pictures from Camp Grandma and Grandpa of what he got to do around the farm.  I got almost daily photos of what he was up to while I was gone so that was fun, the kid was not missing his mom (or dad) at all!  He got to hang with his cousin Jessica a lot, play at a few different parks, play with the neighbor kids, play in the creek, go see the fire trucks, feed the chickens and gather eggs, play tee ball, and enjoyed Mother's Day with the family.  After I got back from my trip we enjoyed lunch at Ixtapa, our favorite Mexican restaurant before heading to the airport.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Camp Grandma & Grandpa Post Two - Wild Life Safari

Grandma and Grandpa took Kallen on a trip to Wild Life Safari in Winston, Oregon which is a drive through zoo.  I will only post a few of the best animal pictures but there were a lot more animals at the park than the pictures I am posting.

Birthday Party in Oregon

We flew home to Oregon on Kallen's birthday before I left for my trip so Kallen got to celebrate his birthday with family.  I think he had a good time!  Grandma made him a butterfly cake that she first made with my brother back when he was in cub scouts.  Turned out looking and tasting good!