Monday, April 2, 2012

March 2012

We had a few nice days in March. One Sunday we headed to Wheeler Farm to feed the ducks and geese the bread we had been saving in the freezer all winter. It was actually pretty windy so we did a quick walk through to see all the animals. The baby goats were very cute. We are trying to talk Grandma and Grandpa into getting a couple goats for the grandkids.

Indoor Soccer
Kallen played Indoor Soccer through one of the rec centers. He seemed to have a good time. Can't wait for outdoor soccer again. He actually starts up in a few weeks.

Here he is being an awesome goalie, see how fast the ball just went flying by him.
Good goalie stance, too bad he is not in front of the goal.

We also had a birthday party one Saturday we went to. It was a little girls party and had a Spiderman Theme. The party was at a place called Bouncin' Off the Walls. Kallen had been there with Johnny for another party but this was the first time I had been there. It has been on our list of things to do for awhile but we haven't made it. Pretty fun place.
Kallen really likes to play air hockey.

Playing with things he found in my office!
For some reason he has had a fascination with these gloves. One morning when I woke up he was wearing them around the house in the morning and in this picture I came ou of the bathroom from getting ready for work and found him hangin' with Hobie in his gloves.
This picture doesn't have to do with Kallen but I thought it looked pretty cool. This was the sky about 5 minutes after we finished our run in the morning. Good thing we were done! There was also some thunder and lightening.
Random picture of Hobie enjoying an afternoon outside.
Kallen started Tiny Tigers through Granite Peaks Community Education. It is some sort of karate/martial arts. He is enjoying getting to punch and kick his instructor. We probably won't continue in this program as I am not too impressed with it.
Playing with some of the cousins!
Wanting to pose with a fire hydrant after running one morning.