Wednesday, March 7, 2012

February 2012

We made up for a slow January with a busy February and it is even the shortest month of the year!
Kallen got a late Christmas present from Auntie Erin and it was perfect timing for his PJ day at school. Here he is ready to go to school in his new PJ's.We also had a dentist appointment so he got to wear his PJ's to the dentist. He is doing so well at the dentist. I think this was his 4th visit and he even had a couple x-rays this time. Poor child has his mother's gag reflex and couldn't do the ones in the back.

We hadn't been to the Aquarium in some time so I decided to go. We went on a Saturday and now I know why I only go on Sundays. Kallen really liked these two big fish and then here is his picture on the frog that we have to do everytime.

Kallen loves to take pictures, most of them are actually pretty good. Here are a few of his masterpieces.
Triceratops on the bed.
The other part of his late Christmas gift from Auntie Erin, he set it up on the table and took a bunch of pictures. Always fun to see what pictures end up on my phone.
We also went to the Safe Kids Fair. We went on Friday night and it didn't seem to be as big as last year when we went on a Saturday, at least it wasn't as busy as Saturday last year.

We also went to Clark Planetarium. It was the first time there for all of us. I bought a Google Offers coupon for two admissions to a movie with a big popcorn and two sodas. We saw the Flying Monsters movie which ended up being about flying dinosaurs so Kallen loved it.
Here is he on the moon!
Here he is on Mars? Maybe Saturn, can't remember?
The snow pictures are actually from March. It wasn't unil March 2nd that we actually got some snow. The first day we went up Millcreek because it was an odd day so Hobie could go. We didn't do much sledding up Millcreek because it is just a gradual road. We promised Kallen we would go sledding on Sunday. We drove up to the park we normally go to and there really wasn't any snow left. We got a lot more snow at our house than this part of the valley so even though it was a really nice day we still had a ton of snow at our house and thought there would still be snow to sled down. Luckily there was a shaded part of a hill that still had some snow and it worked well enough for a little sledding. Kallen had a great time which was the most important thing.

Pre-sledding photo with dad looking cool with shades on.
Kallen's first snow man! For all you Oregon readers, our snow is usually too dry to build good snowmen. It does work when the snow starts to melt and is a little more wet.
We did find one short hill to sled down up Millcreek Canyon.

Kallen did quite a bit of running and walking up the canyon but he also got to go for a ride. Johnny and I took turns, more Johnny than I because I had already worked out for the day and Johnny still needed to workout.
Kallen saw another kid being buried in the snow so he wanted to be buried too.
Hobie playing fetch with his tennis ball. One of his favorites.
Kallen posing in the snow before going to school one morning.
Kallen likes to pose for pictures. Here is he posing with the stop sign after running one morning.
A couple poses with Hobie. He will get ready and say, "Mommy take our picture."
Like father like son. Johnny is doing work and Kallen is watching The Lion King.