Sunday, February 5, 2012

January 2012

January seemed to fly by and I noticed we didn't really do a whole lot nor did I take many pictures so here are a few random pictures from the month that I found on my phone.

Kallen making funny faces at the Westminster basketball game.

There was a fairly nice day in January and we were outside playing baseball, soccer, and frisbee for an hour and a half. Luckily it started getting dark and I was able to convince Kallen to go inside.

Hobie trying to play Candyland with us.
Posing with Hobie one morning before leaving for school.
Kallen's new trick is to have Hobie take his bone out of his mouth. This picture looks like Hobie is taking a big bite out of Kallen's face but he is really gentle. I will post a video of this as well.
This is pretty much the only snow we have gotten all Winter. Unfortunately the mountains haven't gotten much either. Johnny was excited to use his snow blower and Kallen and Hobie had fun playing out in the snow.