Monday, January 2, 2012

Christmas 2011 and Trip to Oregon

Kallen was way in to Christmas this year which made it a lot of fun. Here he is sitting on Santa's lap at the Westminster Kid's Club activity. He also got to sit on Santa's lap at school where he also wrote a letter to Santa asking for a dragon and a triceratops.
Here are some pictures of Kallen on Christmas Eve with his cousins. They were playing so hard that Kallen was all sweaty!

Grandma with all the kids at the dessert table.

Here is Kallen on Christmas morning with his presents from Santa Claus. He got everything he asked for. Though instead of a big triceratops he got a big Stegosaurus because Santa was out of Triceratops. He also got some dinosaur books.
Christmas Day: Here is Kallen with his cousins on Christmas Day getting ready to open presents.

Playing one of his games!
Some of his loot (a lot of dino stuff).
Four generation photo on Christmas Day.
We met some friends at the Gilbert House where Kallen had a great time playing in all the rooms. Unfortunately we didn't know they closed at 5 pm and we got there at 3:30 so we only had an hour and a half to play. We also went out to pizza with everyone which was lots of fun for the kids.

Another day we went swimming. Kallen loves swimming and had a great time. Here he is going through an obstacle course that ended with a slide.

Floating all by himself!

Playing with uncle Mike and Sam.
First adventure on a climbing wall. They have a climbing wall at the Recreation Center we went to and it wasn't very busy so I thought we would give it a shot. Kallen did great for his first time. I wasn't allowed to go in the climbing area and the staff weren't all that helpful so he didn't really know what to do but figured it out and got a ways up the wall.

Arm wrestling with Sam.
Riding in Mater's cousin. Mom's car broke down on her and I while shopping so Grandpa and Kallen brought the other car in to us so we could finish and Kallen and Grandpa got to ride home in the tow truck.
Sitting with Jessica.
Riding on the tractor with Grandpa.
Sitting with Mitsie. Kallen loves the cats that Grandma and Grandpa have. He also gets a big kick out of feeding Sadie (dog) her treats each day.
One of the first days we were home it was fairly decent and Kallen got to go out on the farm with Grandpa while Grandma and I cooked for Christmas Eve. The creek was low enough that he could actually walk through it with his boots. Good thing they went out when they did because by the end of our trip and about 8 days straight of rain the creek was running high and fast!
Throwing rocks into the pond.