Thursday, November 24, 2011

Halloween 2011

Here are a few pictures from Halloween and pictures of the pumpkins we carved.

This isn't a Halloween picture but Kallen is wearing orange. He insisted on getting his picture taken with the Bronco at the Boise airport.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Soccer Fall 2011

We signed Kallen up for Soccer this Fall. It took about 4 games before he really got in to it. He spent those first 4 games mostly sitting on our laps and not really playing. Then he really got in to it and loved playing. The last couple of Saturday games they only had six players so Kallen got to play the entire game and had so much fun. He scored a few goals (a couple in the other teams goal). It was really fun watch him learn through the season and at the end finally start to get it. Not bad for just 15 minutes of practice before the game.