Friday, September 2, 2011

Summer Fun 2011

We have had a busy few weeks. We had a list of things we wanted to do this Summer and now that we are done with our vacations we are finally getting them done, all in a few week time span. We went to the Ogden Dino Park which for a 3 year old who loves dinosaurs it was a pretty cool place. We also went to the County Fair which is becoming kind of a tradition. It is really small but it is free so this is our 3rd year taking Kallen. Last n ight we went to the last Bees game of the season which was also something else on our list.

County Fair Fun! Here is Kallen on a pony ride. The funny thing is that one cowboy told Kallen his horse's name was Rusty and the other cowboy told Kallen his pony's name was Joe. The coincidence is that I had a pony by each of those names growing up. I guess my names weren't so original!

We also went to the zoo a couple of times during July. They still had their dinosaur exhibit so Kallen of course loves seeing it. We like to go on the Members Only evenings. They keep the zoo open late for members only and it is not very busy at all.

Here are a few random pictures. Here is Kallen after the dentist and in the dentist chair. This was his 3rd visit and each time he has gotten better. This time he let the dental hygienist clean his teath with the motorized brush and floss. Dentist says he has great teeth and a great mouth. Let's hope it stays that way and he doesn't have to have braces. They have tv's on the ceiling and a carousel in the waiting room that the kids get a token for after their appointment.

This is a picture Kallen posed for at a dinner we went to in Layton the other night.

The Saturday of First Year Orientation that I had to work Johnny took Kallen to get his haircut and this is the picture I got of his new look. Luckily it wasn't permanent the stylist was just having fun.

We finally made it to the Wheeler Farm Farmer's Market last Sunday which was a lot bigger than I expected. We also took a bunch of old bread to feed the ducks and geese. One of the stands had this ride. It was only a dollar and Kallen wanted to keep riding, I think he ended up taking 3 rides on it.

This was another picture Kallen insisted that I take that he posed for. At least he didn't notice the Kettle Corn that was being sold so we didn't have to buy any of that.

Here are some random photos of Kallen playing with the giant stuffed bear that we have. He thought he was pretty funny.

Oregon Trip July 2011

We drove to Oregon at the end of July to spend a week. We drove so that Hobie could go with us because he has so much fun on the farm. So does Kallen! Each morning they would go for a walk with Grandma. Here are a couple pictures playing in the creek and walking through the bean fields. Kallen loved playing with his cousins, riding four wheelers, feeding the chickens, and picking raspberries from the garden.

Grandma and Grandpa turned a pasture behind the house that they no longer use for animals into a play area. It was perfect for t-ball. I took the picture of Kallen but the pictures of all the adults Kallen took himself.

We all went to the Oregon Zoo one afternoon after a yummy family breakfast at my brother's house. Here are some pictures from the zoo! They had a dinosaur exhibit that Kallen of course loved. It was the same exhibit they had last year but last year we didn't pay to go through it. This year there would have been no way not to do it as Kallen is all about dinosaurs.

This is a picture that Kallen took of me tickling the tiger cub's belly. He is really into taking pictures and for a 3 year old isn't too bad.

Kallen is also into posing for a lot pictures. He always says, "Mommy you take a picture of me."

Our other big outing was to Enchanted Forrest which is a small amusement park. They have a few rides but it is mostly a place where you walk through and it has things related to different storybooks.

Here is a picture of Kallen on one of his favorite type of rides.