Sunday, June 5, 2011

Summer Is Almost Here!

This post is going to go backwards. We have been able to squeeze in a few fun things in between all the rain we have had the last month. Today was our first really warm day, we had a high of about 85 degrees. Kallen is going to start t-ball in a couple of weeks so we bought him a glove so he can start practicing.

We also took Kallen to the outdoor pool near out house. It was fun for all.

Here is Kallen, as usual, giving Hobie some love!

Here is Kallen posing in front of the blow up at school. He was posing for Grandma because she likes frogs.

Smiling for the camera at a volleyball tournament.

Playing in a tree house at a friend's birthday party.

This was the bouncy house he got to play in at the birthday party.

Last week Kallen had his last night of May Swim lessons and he also had his program at school on the same night. Here are some pictures of both events.

Last year at Kallen's program he started crying and left the stage. This year he made it through the entire song, though I don't think there was any singing or actions.

Here is Kallen measuring Hobie's tail with a ruler.

One nice evening in May we took Kallen to the Dinosaur's at the Zoo. We went on a member's only night and it was even before the official grand opening of the dinosaur exhibit. Kallen lives and breathes dinosaurs. He chooses to wear a dinosaur shirt every day and night of the week. We have to hide them if we want him to wear anywhere else. He had a really good time looking at the dinosaurs.

Hobie and Kallen having fun at a volleyball tournament that Mom and Dad got to play in together.

Here is me trying to be artistic with the camera with Kallen and Hobie.