Tuesday, April 5, 2011

March 2011

Here are some pictures from the month of March! Not sure what was going on in the picture below?
Thanks to one of our friends's blog I learned of Jungle Jim's Playland. It is an indoor play area for kids Kallen's age. They have five or six different rides and we tried out all of them. They also have games that give out tickets but we didn't play any of those. Best of all, it is only $8 for Kallen to have an unlimited ride bracelet and adults are free! Kallen had fun, it is definitely a place we will be going back to.

Here is Kallen posing for a picture at his own request, "Mommy take a picture."Here is Kallen being goofy and wearing his hat in the house. He is also sharing his yogurt with Hobie. Not sure what the boys were up to but there was yogurt all over the place.
Kallen with his best friend! Again, posing for a picture, "Mommy take a picture of me and Hobie."
This picture is actually from April, April 3rd to be exact. The day before it was mostly sunny, warm, and almost 70 degrees. I gave Hobie a bath so he would be clean for Grandma and Grandpa's visit. The next day we wake up to this. Kallen and Hobie had a fun time playing in the snow and throwing snow balls at me while I shoveled the driveway and sidewalk.