Monday, January 10, 2011

Christmas 2010 and Trip to Oregon

Christmas started by decorating our own tree at home. Kallen was old enough to enjoy it and it was something I wanted him to experience even though the tree would be up for a short time and we would be in Oregon for most of the break. He enjoyed decorating the tree with ornaments and even remembered the ornaments he got from Grandma last Christmas.

Christmas dinner with the family!The cousinsKallen with his loot.Helping Jessica open her present.Reading one of his new cloth books. Christmas morning playing with one of his presents! He was excited to push the cars on the track, you should have seen him when we put the batteries in the cars, he was squealing with joy.While in Oregon Kallen played soccer and football with Grandpa.He also went out with Grandma each morning to feed the chickens.One cold morning Kallen went on a walk with Grandpa to the pond, around the fields, and back up the lane and walked the entire time. He got to throw some rocks in the creek, so that was fun for him.On New Year's Eve Day we took the kids swimming. Kallen loves the water and had a lot of fun. It was fun to see him show Grandma and Grandpa some of the things he learned in swim lessons in the Fall. Glad those start back up this month.He loved going down this slide into the water.Another day we went to this indoor playground. It was pretty cool for only $5 and adults were only $1. They had lots of things to play around on including a big bouncy house.Kallen loved petting Mitsy and Sammy even let him pet her. In this picture he crawel into Jessica's crib so he could sit with the cat. Playing with Uncle Mike and cousin Jessica.Here is Kallen visiting some friends. All seven kids are mostly looking at the camera. What a cute piccture.Haning with miss Aubry! They are a few months apart and always have fun playing together. Christmas continued way after the holiday. Once we got back to Utah Kallen had two large boxes stuffed with toys and blankets. Lots of elephants and his favorite, a Dragon. While in Oregon he started listening to "Puff the Magic Dragon" so he named his new dragon, Puff.