Sunday, September 12, 2010

Lagoon and State Fair

We had a busy weekend. We went to the State Fair on Saturday night and then went to Lagoon on Sunday. Going to Lagoon on a Sunday in September was great because there were no lines and a lot of the time there were just a few others on each ride with us. We got a lot done in the time we were there. We started out on a couple adult rides that Kallen could go on with us since he is so tall for a 2 year old, but after that Johnny and I were done with the spinning rides and we mostly just watched Kallen or went on the kiddie rides that we could with him.

Kallen's favorite ride was the Dinosaur Drop and the Lady Bug Bop. I thought he would be afraid but he loved it and couldn't stop laughing. We went on it once at the beginning and then went back to it. Once we went back to it we had to ride it 4 or 5 times in a row. Johnny and I switched on and off with him and between the two. They were the same ride, but two different options. You can see how high in the air they went in one of the pictures below.

They had lots of rides that Kallen could do by himself. I thought he wouldn't like to do them by himself but he loved them. He was good and sat in his stroller from place to place and would jump out and get in line once we got to the next ride.
Kallen got to do all of his favorite things. Drive a car, ride in a boat, fly a plane and a helicopter and ride in an elephant. We ended the day on the log flume ride where we got a little wet and then went on rattlesnake rapids where we all got drenched but Kallen thought it was great. He fell asleep once he got in the car and took a nice long nap.

At the State Fair Kallen got a big kick out of going down the big yellow slide. He also liked, as always, looking at the animals. I realized after we got home that the only animals we didn't see were the pigs. Kallen got to go on another pony ride which he enjoyed. He has no fear of riding by himself.