Sunday, January 10, 2010

20 Months Old

Finally got a haircut!
Giving Hobie some love!

Playing catch with Hobie.

Playing in the yard after some fresh snow.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Christmas 2009

Happy New Year!
Kallen is enjoying a strawberry daiquiri (virgin of course) to ring in the New Year (at 9:30 pm.). I have never seen him drink anything so fast, he didn't even get a brain freeze, unlike his mom.
Kallen was only 7 months old last Christmas so he didn't really "get it". This year was a lot of fun to watch him open his presents and be excited over the things he got.

Christmas Eve
Kallen and Sam
Mom and Kallen

Opening his Lightening McQeen Pillow

Liking his Lightening McQueen Pillow.

Sadie liking his Lightening McQueen Pillow too!

Kallen's Loot on Christmas Day (as you can see there is one big present that won't fit in a suitcase):

Outside playing on his swing and playing ball with Grandpa.

This is how Kallen fell asleep one afternoon.
Playing in the morning with some puzzles.