Sunday, November 21, 2010

First Big Snow of the Year

We woke up to just about 1 foot of snow. Kallen was ready to go play in the snow at 7:30 am. I was able to hold him off until about 8:30 am.

The back yard!

The front yard. Unfortunately our tree hasn't lost all of its leaves and the heavy snow did some damage. We lost two large branches and one small one. Looking at the tree from the East it looks a little bare.Kallen is helping move branches.

After playing in the snow we were ready for some hot chocolate. Kallen drank the entire cup.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Alaska August 2010

End of August the entire Family (Kallen, Grandma, Grandpa, Mom, Dad, Uncle Mike, Aunt Bonny, and Cousin Sam) went on a 7 night Alaskan Cruise for Grandma and Grandpa's 40th Wedding Anniversary. Kallen couldn't have been a better child on the cruise. It probably helped that the timing of things meant he got to take a 2 - 3 hour nap each day with Dad.
Getting ready to turn in our luggage and board the ship. Skagway

Practicing sitting on the potty.
Train Ride up the Yukon Pass:

The bus ride back down, both Dad and Kallen are getting a short nap!

Liarsville in Skagway

Juneau Fish Hatchery

Mendenhall Glacier

Salmon Bake after the Glacier (it was the best salmon I have ever had).

Saxman Village


Horse Drawn Carriage Ride around town


The boys chillin'

Chillin' with Grandpa

Lots of ice cream on board! If you look closely you can see that Kallen is sticking his tongue out as I am taking a lick of his ice cream.
Playing with Uncle Mike

Family Dinner each night! We had a great table with a great view and Kallen did great. I thought the two hour dinners would do him in but besides wanting to sit on our lap a couple nights he drank water from his own wine glass and ate off the adult menu.

Ice Cream Sundae for dessert at dinner!

Back in Seattle

Halloween 2010

Halloween 2010
Here are some pictures of getting the pumpkins at the pumpkin patch and some with Kallen in his costume. I didn't actually get him in his costume on Halloween. He wouldn't ever put the hood on but right after I bought it and showed it to him I got some pictures with the hood on. We actually never went trick-o-treating, it started raining about the time it was supposed to go out. We will probably have to make sure we go next year. On Sunday I got him in his costume to go look at the witches at Gardner Village but he wasn't in the picture taking mood there!