Monday, July 20, 2009

Trip to Oregon

At the end of June we went to Oregon for a week! Kallen had a great time picking strawberries and raspberries from the garden and eating cherries from the tree. He also loved walking around the farm and looking at the chickens and playing in the creek. He was so tired after one day that he fell asleep on the couch!

Celebrating Grandma's Birthday with cake and ice cream!

Aubrey, Trent and Kallen playing and eating cherries!

After a hard days work and play!

Playing at Grammy's with the toy bucket.

Swingin' in the swing:

Sam and Kallen in their OSU gear.
Playing in the creek on a hot day:

We also met Auntie Joseph in Portland at the Children's Museum where Kallen got to run around and play. It was no surpise that his favorite room was the water room!