Thursday, November 20, 2008

6 Months Old

At Kallen's 6 month appointment on November 6th he was 28.25 inches long (95th percentile), weighed 19.12 lbs. (75th percentile), and had a head circumference of 44.75 cm (75th percentile). Kallen has only been in his helmet just over one month. If everything goes perfectly the doctor said he would have it off by Christmas, if not, he will get to wear it one more month. We are planning on the extra month. It doesn't bother him at all in fact sometimes I think he is uncomfortable when we take it off. He also started eating something besides milk. We started with sweet potato, yellow squash, tried pear but that didn't sit too well, went back to sweet potato and now banana. He is also getting really close to crawling, he likes to be on his hands and knees and do the butt wiggle. Eating is pretty uneventful, Kallen does great and gobbles it up. The towel bibs from great grandma are the best!